Stuwdam Grande Dixence
Ranking unknownThis page describes a travel activity idea based on info found elsewhere and contains incomplete & unstructured information. This travel activity idea will later be converted into a travel activity article.
This is a beautiful walk with breathtaking views that starts at the Grande Dixence dam and follows the Sentier des Bouquetins. Along the way you will enjoy beautiful panoramic views over the Lac des Dix to the Cabane Prafleuri (2662m). The descent goes over the Col des Roux (2780m), the Cabane Les Ecoulaies, La Barma and the last part along the lake.
The passage through the col des roux is easier by doing the route counterclockwise.You might have luck to see an ibex chamois marmots or ermines.,17wtup,7mavyz,0,0
(zie bij commentaar, deel van route kan niet meer rock fall)
guided tour in de dam 1,15 hours aanmelden per mail